Markos Duey

This summer my research initially focused on ceramic composites for turbine blades in turbo-jet engine configurations. I was tasked with educating myself in the state of the art on ceramic composites. After reading plenty of related published journal articles on ceramic applications in aerospace, I was able to get a solid foundational understanding on the… Continue reading Markos Duey

Allison Fantom

Allison’s Research Summary: Introduction This summer I worked with Sarah Dodson-Robinson on detecting exoplanets which are planets outside of the solar system from signals in a star’s spectra. The main goal was to confirm if a signal was actually a planet or the star’s activity. Every star constantly emits photons, or light in it’s own… Continue reading Allison Fantom

Christina Marchak

About Christina’s Research: Wilmington University, in collaboration with the NASA Delaware Space Grant Consortium and Delaware EnvironmentalInstitute, is actively engaged in pivotal coral engineering endeavors. Dr. Milton Muldrow leads a group of dedicated studentresearchers, including Christina Marchak, Sarah La Torre, Natalie Vazquez Beales, Sam Kidwell, and Amaja Mack, who are makingsubstantial strides in this field.… Continue reading Christina Marchak

Andrew Ngo

Andrew Ngo is a Sophomore at University of Delaware studying Computer Science with minors in Math and Statistics. He is spending this summer interning at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Andrew’s Research Report: During my 10 weeks working with the heliophysics team at NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, I researched various computer vision methods to develop a… Continue reading Andrew Ngo

Connor Jones

Connor is a 3rd year student at the University of Delaware majoring in mechanical engineering with minors in music (applied piano), and mathematics. He intends to use his knowledge and passion for mechanical engineering to identify our most pressing issues, and formulate the appropriate solutions to these issues. Connor enjoys playing basketball, playing piano, attending concerts and serves… Continue reading Connor Jones

Bryanna Dawson

Bryanna Dawson isa rising junior at Delaware State University, majoring in International Studies, and is planning to double minor in French and Spanish. She intends to pursue a Master’s Degree in International Studies. She intends to have a career in International Public Service in order to cultivate international connections and policies. During her free time,… Continue reading Bryanna Dawson

Connor McCleery

I am currently a senior at the University of Delaware in Mechanical Engineering. I participate in undergraduate research within the mechanical engineering department with a focus in renewable energy storage. My intent is to apply the experience gathered through my college research to a career in the automotive or aeronautical industries.

Brian Inglis

Hi, my name is Brian Inglis. I am a Junior Meteorology and Climatology major at the University of Delaware. I am also pursuing minors in geography and mathematics. I have had a passion for meteorology for as long as I can remember and I look forward to expanding my knowledge and gaining experience in the field… Continue reading Brian Inglis

Isaac Chandler

Isaac Chandler is a junior mechanical engineering student at the University of Delaware. He is involved with various undergraduate research projects including underwater robotics, space communications, and physics instrumentation. Outside of class, he serves as a leader in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, is a member of UD Esports, and is a radio host on WVUD. Isaac… Continue reading Isaac Chandler

Darius Boyce

I am a 22-year-old senior at Delaware State University, my GPA is 3.37 and I major in engineering physics with a concentration in electrical engineering.