Zyairr’s Research Summary: My summer research was at Willard Hall Education building at the University of Delaware, where I worked with Jazzlyn Jones on the cloning of the extracellular domain, one of the protein ABCA4. ABCA4 is a part of the ATP binding cassette transporterssubfamily. It is found in the outer segment of the rod… Continue reading Zyairr Bissoon
Archives: People Profiles
Anthony McCarthy
Anthony’s Research Summary Report: Dr. Sion initiated the beginning of our research by listing some possible research topics and working with me to choose which one we would investigate. After this, he asked me some background questions and assigned some background reading. After I responded to his questions, we began our research. Dr. Sion presented… Continue reading Anthony McCarthy
Natalie Vazquez Beales
Natalie’s Research Summary: During the summer 2023, under the supervision of Milton Muldrow, we conducted experimentation trying to collect DNA data of the anemone Aiptasia pallida. I was looking for Photosystem 2 relations with sirtuin 1 in zooxanthallae. I also looked 3D images of the protein sirtuin 1 of the anemone.
Sarah LaTorre
Sarah’s Research Summary: My research included being apart of the Wilmington University Brandywine Research lab. This summer my primary focus was establishing gene editing technology into institutional standards and procedures in the lab. This included learning how to perform CRISPR. I had the opportunity to be able to take on a leadership role in the… Continue reading Sarah LaTorre
Samantha Kidwell
A collaboration between Wilmington University and NASA Space Grant Consortium, students are researching coral engineering. Student researchers, Samantha Kidwell, Sarah LaTorre, Christina Marchak, and Natalie Vazquez Beales, as well as graduate student Amaja Mack, are led in this endeavor by Dr. Milton Muldrow. There has been a considerable number of results from the focus of… Continue reading Samantha Kidwell
Benjamin Mayhew
Over the summer, I continued my research and work on the CubeSat Ground Station for the University of Delaware, stationed at Mt Cuba Astronomical Observatory. I worked on developing the tracking system for the station as my main project, but also hadother duties over the summer. These duties included being the keeper of the documentation,… Continue reading Benjamin Mayhew
Gavin Redgrave
I am a rising junior at the University of Delaware studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. I am also a member of the University’s Club Rugby Team. After graduating, I plan on using the skills I learned in my time at the University to pursue a career in either the aerospace or automotive… Continue reading Gavin Redgrave
Ethan Lettieri
From June through August of this summer, I have been researching and optimizing airfoil rib design and testing aerospace fiber composites used in airfoils. I started out my research by learning how to use Autodesk Fusion360 and becoming familiar with some of its unique tools like generative design and topology. I found them to be… Continue reading Ethan Lettieri
Mark Foerster
Mark’s Research Summary: This Summer, my research was focused on testing and understanding how to improve fiber-reinforced composite by making its fibers architecture follow trigonometric functions.Additionally, the interface between the fibers and the matrix would be tested to understand how the force of gravity affects the interface strength in polymer-based fiber-reinforced composites. At first, my… Continue reading Mark Foerster
David Esquivel
David’s Research Summary: My first task for this internship was self-reflecting on what I would like to do/accomplish. I researched different companies and national labs I would like to work with (ie. NASA, NOAA, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab). Upon completing this self-reflection I was tasked with educating myself on the differences between stiffness and effective… Continue reading David Esquivel