Double Header: NASA Sounding Rockets to Launch Student Experiments

On June 22, 2023, NASA's RockOn and RockSat-C student flight programs pose in front of a Terrier-Improved Orion suborbital sounding rocket. This is the 15th year that NASA's Sounding Rocket Program has supported flight opportunities for the RockOn and RockSat-C programs, which provide students a hands-on opportunity to develop flight experiments.

Delaware Space Grant Students launching experiments August 15! View Live on Wallops Youtube Channel 8/15 6-10am NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility is scheduled to launch two sounding rockets carrying student developed experiments for RockSat-X and RockOn/RockSat-C missions on Aug. 15. Article and Viewing Information

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2023 NASA Summer Research Internships

Students are invited to apply for internships all over the country where they will work with real NASA scientists on current NASA research projects. A single application places students in the applicant pool for consideration by mentors for all NASA internships. The summer internship stipend for undergraduate students is $7,300, and recipients must be US… Continue reading 2023 NASA Summer Research Internships

2023-24 Undergraduate Student Tuition Awardees

Delaware Space Grant annually grants awards to highly qualified undergraduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and geography who are currently attending a DESGC Consortium institution. Tuition awards are up to $5,000 per student, and all recipients must be US Citizens. Applications are open in the Fall of each year. More about… Continue reading 2023-24 Undergraduate Student Tuition Awardees

2023-24 Graduate Student Fellows

Fellowships provide stipends of $31,000 to highly qualified graduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics who are currently attending a DESGC member institution. Stipends are for one full year, and all recipients of these awards must be US Citizens. More about Sean More about Philip More about Jamie More about Amaja’… Continue reading 2023-24 Graduate Student Fellows

Dr. Nicola Fox, Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, visits UD!

Delaware Space Grant and the Department of Physics and Astronomy were excited to host Dr. Nicky Fox, the Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate! During her visit, Dr. Fox toured the DSpOC Laboratory in the Harker ISE Lab, presented a Fluid & Plasma Seminar, and spent several hours in discussions with students, post docs,… Continue reading Dr. Nicola Fox, Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, visits UD!

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NASA EPSCoR Stimuli Publication

NASA EPSCoR Stimuli is a summary collection of college and university basic research and technology development reports impacting NASA’s earth science, aviation, and human and robotic deep space exploration programs. This document addresses research which is relevant to NASA’s mission, and currently administered by the agency’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.

2024-2025 Delaware NASA EPSCoR RID Seed Grant Program Awards

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 NASA EPSCoR Seed Grant awardees! Each researcher received a seed award in the amount of $21,000 in direct funds for their projects: Yin Bao, UD Plant and Soil SciencesImproving Machine Vision Systems for Monitoring Ecosystem PhenologyStephanie Cone, UD Biomedical EngineeringDevelopment of Novel in Situ Analysis Approaches for Rodent Musculoskeletal ModelsQi Mu,… Continue reading 2024-2025 Delaware NASA EPSCoR RID Seed Grant Program Awards

2023 NASA EPSCoR CAN Research Award

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Xi Wang (Science PI) from UD’s Materials Science Department and Associate Professor Vishal Saxena (Co-I) from UD’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department on the submission of a successful proposal in NASA’s national competition! The proposal, “Multifunctional Zero-standby Power Sensing and Reconfigurable Photonic Integrated Circuits”, was selected by NASA for an award… Continue reading 2023 NASA EPSCoR CAN Research Award