Hanna Armstrong
(UD Biomedical Engineering)
Hanna is a rising junior in the College of Engineering at the University of Delaware, majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Biomechanics. Her interest lies in developing medical devices that increase medical-care access for patients with inconvenient/insufficient geographical or financial circumstances. To attain this goal, she plans to attend a masters and then PhD program upon graduation so she may enter this line of work with credibility and capability.

Rebecca Beswick
(UD Chemical Engineering)
Rebecca is a 3rd year student at the University of Delaware majoring in chemical engineering with minors in electrical engineering, sustainable energy technology and energy policy. She intends to obtain a PhD in chemical engineering with a focus on energy systems, and use her knowledge to turn carbon dioxide and water into sustainable e-fuels and other carbon products. Rebecca enjoys hiking, rock climbing, choir and serves as the president-elect of her university’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders.

Taylor Davis
(DSU Biology)
Taylor is a junior at Delaware State University studying biology. She is currently a member of the Lawal Neuroscience Research Lab at Delaware State studying the effects of various pesticides in relation to genetic Parkinson’s disease. Taylor’s future career goals include going into medicine and either working in obstetrics or bio-pharmaceuticals.

Minares Ehsani
(DSU Engineering Physics)

Lewis Moise
(Electrical Engineering)

Connor McCleery
(UD Mechanical Engineering)
Connor is currently a rising sophomore at the University of Delaware in Mechanical Engineering. He participates in undergraduate research within the mechanical engineering department with a focus in nanotechnology and energy storage. Connor’s hope is to one day apply the experience gathered through his college research to a career in the automotive or aeronautical industries.

Cassidy McCormick
(UD Mechanical Engineering)
Cassidy is an undergraduate at the University of Delaware studying Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technology. She plans to attend graduate school and continue a career in clean energy.

John Papadopoulos
(UD Mechanical Engineering)
John is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware. He is primarily interested in composites and heat transfer/fluid mechanics, specifically within the aerospace field. After college, John plans to get his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware and begin working in industry as an engineer.

Katelyn Young
(UD Mechanical Engineering)
Katelyn is a senior Mechanical Engineering student with an Aerospace concentration and integrated design minor. She is also President of the UD Synchronized Skating team. This past summer, Katelyn worked on research about controlling crack propagation in heterogenous composites with a crescent inclusion. She will be interning with Boeing this summer and hopes to continue her career in the aerospace field.

Jenny Ziegler
(UD Mechanical Engineering)
Jenny is a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Delaware and hopes to advance aerospace technology in the future by examining the materials we use. Jenny is interested in material science and hopes to pursue higher education in these fields.