2024-25 Undergraduate Student Tuition Awardees

We are proud to announce our new Space Grant Undergraduate Tuition Awardees for 2024-2025! These students have worked hard to qualify for Space Grant support, and we are excited to see what they will do in the year to come. Welcome new scholars!

Delaware Space Grant annually grants awards to highly qualified undergraduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and geography who are currently attending a DESGC Consortium institution. Tuition awards are up to $5,000 per student, and all recipients must be US Citizens. Applications are open in the Fall of each year.

Victoria Barbone

Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

University of Delaware

More about Victoria

Jarrod Bieber


University of Delaware

More about Jarrod

Millisen Dill


University of Delaware

More about Millisen

Charlotte Gottilla

Chemical Engineering

University of Delaware

More about Charlotte

Tanmayee Joshi

Biomedical Engineering

University of Delaware

More about Tanmayee

Connor McCleery

Mechanical Engineering

University of Delaware

More about Connor

Richard McQueen

Engineering Physics/Electrical Engineering

Delaware State University

More about Richard

Madison Ridgeway

Biological Sciences

Delaware State University

More about Madison

Faith Skinner

Biomedical Engineering

University of Delaware

More about Faith