Out-of-This World Leadership

TJ Tomaszewski is a junior physics major who is project manager of the team of the Cube Sat project that's building a satellite to be launched in 2026. He is also part of the team that will launch a sounding rocket from Wallops Island, VA between June 13-21. This story will dive deeper into his background and what he has learned from his experience.

TJ Tomaszewski, University of Delaware junior’s future includes making history as leader of UD’s Delaware Atmospheric Plasma Probe Experiment (DAPPEr) team, which will build the state’s first spacecraft to orbit the Earth.

Read More in UDaily: https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2024/june/tj-tomaszewski-making-space-history-physics-student/?utm_source=UDaily+Subscribers&utm_campaign=9007fd248d-udaily_daily_mc&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0b5034716d-9007fd248d-264637149